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Mortal Kombat X Update v20151027-RELOADED

Posted October 27, 2015 in REQUEST ACCEPTED

Mortal Kombat X Update v20151027-RELOADED


Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with all new gameplay…



Who’s Next? Experience the Next Generation of the #1 Fighting Franchise.
Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with all new gameplay. For the first time, players can choose from multiple variations of each character impacting both strategy and fighting style.

Title: Mortal Kombat X
Genre: Action
Developer: NetherRealm Studios , High Voltage Software
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: 14 Apr, 2015

ChangeLog: Here

Mortal Kombat X Update v20151027-RELOADED
Size: 357 MB























Mortal Kombat X Update v20150812-RELOADED


    • OS: 64-bit: Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz | AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
    • Memory: 3 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 | AMD Radeon HD 5850
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Hard Drive: 36 GB available space


    • OS: 64-bit: Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770, 3.4 GHz | AMD FX-8350, 4.0 GHz
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 | AMD Radeon HD 7950
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Hard Drive: 40 GB available space

Mortal Kombat X Update v20151027-RELOADED
1. Unrar.
2. Install the update. Required:
Mortal Kombat X Update v20150812-RELOADED
Mortal Kombat X Update v20150901-RELOADED
Be sure to run the file patcher and letting it run to the end!
3. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to your game
install directory.
4. Play the game.
5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Posted by


  1. Morro10 (27 Oct 2015, 20:39)

    Que trae de nuevo este UPDATE???

  2. Mister Karate (28 Oct 2015, 5:27)

    Hola para saber los fixes de este update 27 10 2015 tenes que apretar en la descripcion donde dice ChangeLog: Here de color verde 😉

  3. Edgars (28 Oct 2015, 9:32)

    Problem renaming file:
    From: D:\Speles\Mortal Kombat X\Asset\BGND_AztecCourtyard_MapAssets.xxx.out
    To: D:\Speles\Mortal Kombat X\Asset\BGND_AztecCourtyard_MapAssets.xxx

  4. vfca (29 Oct 2015, 7:58)

    problem renaming file


  5. Moha (29 Oct 2015, 19:23)

    problem renaming files :/

  6. copyitright (29 Oct 2015, 22:30)

    The description is missing some of the previous updates:


    and this one

  7. copyitright (29 Oct 2015, 22:33)

    v20150901-RELOADED that is 😉

  8. andrews (31 Oct 2015, 13:35)

    Got Admin rights but something failed anyway

  9. anderson (31 Oct 2015, 16:31)

    Yes, works!!!

    Uninstall and reinstall all updates

    ps: put the “applyPatchfix” in game folder and execute Adminis.

  10. Izzy (01 Nov 2015, 22:51)

    I have reinstalled everything. Same result with this update.
    Got admin rights but something failed anyway

    I think there’s a file missing in this update
    All the other updates has the setup-1.bin and setup-2.bin file
    This one has no setup-2.bin file.

  11. val´s night (04 Nov 2015, 14:14)

    the last update i made was 728,after that,only problems.never install updates after this one.

  12. Dj (04 Nov 2015, 16:07)

    I installed the mortal kombat x proper reloaded iso (31gig)
    , but my mortal kombat folder doesn’t have sub-folders, so I need to copy the contents from “crack/Binaries / retail ” to my mortal kombat root folder which does not have any sub-folders. Is this normal with this game? Or should I have multiple sub-folders in my mortal kombat root folder?
    Thanks in advance 🙂

  13. Lucas (04 Nov 2015, 17:35)

    here i had the same problem with renaming the file, i fix reinstalling the full game and just paste the last crack of 27/10/2015 now everything is perfect

  14. DJR (04 Nov 2015, 18:26)

    finally got mine to work after 6 attempts!!!!!
    install in this order, it worked for me 🙂

    1.Mortal Kombat X Proper Reloaded (31gig) i did not run as administrator.

    Run all the rest as administrator.
    2. v20150418 (apply the patch not the crack)
    3. v20150425 (apply the patch not the crack)
    4. v20150506 (apply the patch not the crack)
    5. v20150602 (apply the patch not the crack)
    6. v20150709 (apply the patch not the crack)
    7. v20150722 (apply the patch not the crack)
    8. v20150728 (apply the patch not the crack)

    9. over here i opened my mortal kombat root folder (this is where all of the install files are) and i installed v20150812 but i did not install the patch, i unticked the box and the patch was placed in the root folder. after that i ran the patch in the root folder as administrator.
    10. i copied mkx patch fix v20150812 to the root folder and ran that as administrtor
    11. v20150901 (apply the patch not the crack)
    12. v20150908 (apply the patch not the crack)
    13. v20151027 ( apply patch and the crack)
    hope this helps, btw change the settings once the game starts, mine had a drop in frames until i applied my own display settings

  15. JasonV (05 Nov 2015, 3:47)

    Hello DJR,

    at step 9, once you install the patch, unticked the box which won’t intall the patch, how do you get the patch file and placed in root folder?

  16. DJR (05 Nov 2015, 16:11)

    Once you untick the file it gets placed in your root folder. So run it from your root folder then after that copy and paste the “applypatchfix” file which is the second v20150812 in your root folder and run that one. I didn’t get any errors when running the updates in the order

  17. Ayman (05 Nov 2015, 20:44)

    Hey DJR, I followed your steps; when I got through (Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150506-RELOADED) & while patching the files;I received the message”unhandled Exception” in step 261 out of 745.
    May be because I didn’t copy the crack files of the first 2 updates..please be more accurate..

  18. DJR (06 Nov 2015, 20:21)

    I’m sorry I don’t know what the problem could be…I reinstalled my game after experimenting and failing with a system file…..but I installed it the same way as I described in comments and it worked. I didn’t receive any errors. …what you could try is renaming the path of the game after installing mortal kombat x proper from ….example – C/programs /mortal kombat x to c/programs /mkx ….that’s if you have a renaming error while installing updates. ….my game is installed on my “G” drive . So instead of G/mortal kombat x , I have G/MKX.

  19. Either (11 Nov 2015, 6:56)

    having problems with integrity cache MKX after DJR steps i dont know what can i do to fix this :/ anyone?

  20. DaveXr (13 Nov 2015, 21:36)

    Installed, Worked perfectly
    Thanks.. keep up the awesome work Skidrow team
    Waiting for new MKX Updates!
    “Message sent from cyberg game zone”

  21. aditya (18 Nov 2015, 9:58)

    will this give me the extra characters like jason and tanya

  22. vahidssa (18 Nov 2015, 11:34)

    problem renaming file

  23. wolfmoonx (18 Nov 2015, 20:37)

    Hi DJR,

    I followed till step 8 using option b (your preferred method) and got no errors upto Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150908.BAT-RELOADED

    I want to know about these tow options:

    Option A) A youtube video says you should sequence all the updates like this>install from iso>update, run the patchfix of upgrade, then copy paste and apply crack, end> then onto the next update, run the patchfix, then copy paste and apply crack, end> then onto the next update….and so on

    Option B) in your instructions you are not applying crack for each of the updates. Just >update, patchfix>update, patchfix>last update, patchfix, then copy paste and apply crack.

    next thing in step 9 i removed the tick and did not notice patch fix. exe appear in the root folder, from where i ran the setup for upgrade for :Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150812-RELOADED,

    The applypatchfix.exe appeared where in the root of where i installed the mkx game. I ran it in the root it patched the game without error.

    Then as you say in step 10: I copied applypatchfix.exe from b-mkxhfix-v20150812 into my root folder for MKX. I ran the setup but it gave me a message that everything is fine i do not need to run this bat file

    step 11 and 12 went like normal.

    in Step 12, upgrade from Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20151027-RELOADED went just fine , but running the patch is giving me a renaming error and MKX.exe wont run anymore

    Here is the dump from the patchfix window of the :
    Problem renaming file:
    From: c:\program files\mortal komabt x\asset\char_jax_pa.xxx
    To: c:\Program Files\Mortal Kombat x\asset\char_jax_p.xxx.bak
    Problem renaiming file:
    From: c:\program files\mortal komabt x\asset\char_jax_pa.xxx.out
    To: c:\program files\mortal komabt x\asset\char_jax_pa.xxx

    I dont know why it is saying : c:\program files\mortal komabt x\asset\char_jax_pa.xxx
    I have it installed on a different drive, the patch should have picked up on the directory like the rest of the preceding patches . I have my game installed like this: d:\games\mortal komabt x\asset\

    Any clue what step has the error?

  24. wolfmoonx (20 Nov 2015, 3:24)

    figured it out. everything works great, followed DJR’s steps till step 12

    on step 13 when installing last update. it wants to install to c drive by default, wheres all other updates automatically find your MKX.exe on your hard drive. Simply point the update to the correct location instead of default location in c

    hope this helps someone out

  25. Fernando Barros (24 Nov 2015, 13:41)

    Português – BR

    Descobri o erro desse update, ele está com um erro no endereço de instalação, onde ele está fixo para instalar em: C:\Program Files\Mortal Kombat X\

    Oque em sistemas x64 vai dar problema pois o jogo é instalado em: C:\Program File(x86)\Mortal Kombat X\

    Então para corrigir o erro é só instalar nesta ordem:

    Mortal.Kombat.X.Proper-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150418-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150425-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150506-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150602-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150709-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150722-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150728-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150812-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.v20150812.Patchfix-BAT
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150901-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150908-BAT

    e na hora de instalar a update Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20151027-RELOADED você deve verificar se o direitório onde ela está sendo instalada é o mesmo onde o jogo e as outras updates foram instaladas, caso não seja você vai lá e muda o diretório de instalação deste update, depois só copiar o Crack e pronto!!!

    Aqui deu certo desta maneira!!!


    I found out the error of this update, he’s an error in the install address, where he is set to install in C: \ Program Files \ Mortal Kombat X \

    What did on x64 systems will give problem because the game is installed in: C: \ Program File (x86) \ Mortal Kombat X \

    So to correct the error just install this order:

    Mortal.Kombat.X.Proper-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150418-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150425-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150506-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150602-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150709-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150722-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150728-RELOADED
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150812-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.v20150812.Patchfix-BAT
    Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150901-RELOADED Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150908-BAT

    and time to install the Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20151027-RELOADED update you should check the install directory where it is being installed is the same where the game and the other updates have been installed, if not you go there and change the installation directory of this update, then just copy the Crack and ready !!!

    Here you worked this way !!!

    Sorry my poor english.

  26. Lucas Morais (26 Nov 2015, 20:50)

    Fernando barros como q muda o diretório de instalaçao dos patchs ? tem como tu me add skype ow algo pra vc me ajudar ? to a duas semanas tentando jogar mas so da erros e mais erros desde ja agradeço.

  27. subZer0 (03 Dec 2015, 15:04)

    after applying the first patch, I discovered 2 weird folders in mkx folder: carmaggedon reincarnation and gta V. nice patch dudes:(

  28. burntice (10 Dec 2015, 9:32)

    could someone PLEASE teach me how to install this apply patch fix thing?
    update 20150812
    please give me a step by step guide on how i should do it
    im tired of uninstalling and reinstalling the game

  29. Kevin Ruiz (12 Dec 2015, 15:33)

    I’m having a problem during the 0506 patching process, it says:

    Something wrong with the installation, missing Original and Backup file (Reinstall the game)
    Problem renaming file:
    From: D:\Games\Mortal Kombat X\Asset\CHAR_JaxJr_A.xxx
    To: D:\Games\Mortal Kombat X\Asset\CHAR_JaxJr_A.xxx.bak
    Please test to re-run with Admin right (Run as administratior)
    Problem renaming file:
    From: D:\Games\Mortal Kombat X\Asset\CHAR_JaxJr_A.xxx.out
    To: D:\Games\Mortal Kombat X\Asset\CHAR_JaxJr_A.xxx
    Please test to re-run with Admin right (Run as administratior)

    I have a Sager notebook, 16 GB RAM, 8 GB dedicated Nvidia 980, 1 250GB SSD (C) and 1 TB HDD (D) where I install my games, my OS is Windows 10 Home 64bits

    All previous updates worked great and it was all running ok up until update 0425, but this one gets stuck after getting those problems and I just can’t run the game after that doesn’t show any error, just won’t start.

  30. Deepinder (13 Dec 2015, 9:48)

    Patch not instaling correctly.

  31. Kevin Ruiz (14 Dec 2015, 16:04)

    Well, just in case anyone else is having my same problem, I had installed the game originally with the CODEX version and it seems that’s the reason it wasn’t working.

    I downloaded the PROPER RELOAD version (had to wait for the 31 GB again, haha) but it now worked perfectly with the instructions provided by DJR!

  32. Lolipops (19 Dec 2015, 7:51)

    Iv’e got a question does anyone else experiance lags in 2-3 stages? It’s trully annoying >.>

  33. vahidssa (20 Dec 2015, 17:55)

    Please, put patch fix for v20151027

  34. hamed (23 Dec 2015, 21:08)

    hi guys
    first, i thanks DJR for instruction installation
    i followed DJR step installation and it work for me(first uninstalling & then installing)
    but i backuped save in directory:
    then after install game, restore save file to first directory:
    when run game the story section not loading
    please help me
    how restore save game file?
    i am start game at first:

  35. hamed (23 Dec 2015, 21:10)

    thanks reloaded
    for hard working
    i like your’s web site

  36. vahidssa (24 Dec 2015, 15:02)

    salam hamed man ham tebghe DJR nasb kardam vali baz tu update akhari tu patch error renaming file mide chikar konam?

  37. hamed (27 Dec 2015, 13:12)

    salam vahid
    aval bazi ro kamel uninstall kon
    badan dar marhalei 9 update(marahele djr) file :mortal.kombat.x.hotfix-v20150812/applyPatchfix
    dakhel pooshaee ke bazi ro nasb kardi copy kon bad rast click kon run as adminstrator bezan

    agar toie marhaleie update akhari moshkel dari moghe nasb be mahale nasb pish farz deghat kon
    hatman kodesh mahale c:\\ ro entekhab karde
    shoma mahale nasbi ro entakhab kon ke ghablan file asli ro nasb kardi
    bad ham crack kon bazi rahat ejra mishe
    khodam in moshkel ro dashtam
    rasti rahi baraie bargardondane save bazi nadari
    good luck

  38. hamed (27 Dec 2015, 13:34)

    hi guys
    some poeple have problem in last step djr install instruction
    when installing update Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20151027-RELOADED
    default install location is c:\\ program files \mortal kombat x
    Change the default installation location to where (Mortal.Kombat.X.Proper-RELOADED) that has already been installed
    for example my location installed directory is:F:\Games\Mortal Kombat X
    then crack games
    run game
    enjoy it
    good luck

  39. Daniel (28 Dec 2015, 11:48)

    Well done DJR, Worked for me!

  40. vahidssa (29 Dec 2015, 18:30)

    salam hamed jan mersi ke javab dadi dorost shod ye donya sepas
    darmorde save man 1000 bar savam paride bikhiyalesh shodam
    movafagh bashi

  41. Wendell (10 Jan 2016, 20:05)

    Um update mais recente, vai requerer a instalação prévia do seu antecessor.

    Após instalar o jogo principal. Aplique estas atualizações na sequência enumerada das pastas, Jamais de maneira aleatória. Caso contrário, o jogo poderá não funcionar mais e será necessário a desinstalação completa do jogo para começar do zero uma nova instalação.

    Após fazer o update V20150812-Reloaded, O jogo ficará com problema e não vai funcionar. Né necessário aplicar o “PATCHFIX-BAT V20150812” Na pasta principal do Jogo, copiando e executando como administrador o arquivo de correção.
    Após Feita a correção, o game ainda não abrirá. O Crack relativo a esta versão do patch está com um dos arquivos corrompidos.
    Para o jogo voltar a funcionar, é necessário seguir a risca os passos supracitados, para em seguida instalar o próximo patch o “udpate v20150901”.

    01 LEr! Aplicar o Path acima na pasta Raiz do Jogo LER

    PASTA PRINCIPAL DO JOGO: “DISC:\Arquivos de Programas\Mortal Kombat X”

    Os updates foram lancados em datas distintas e sempre vai requerer a instalação prévia do seu antecessor!

  42. Wendell (10 Jan 2016, 20:06)

    A more recent update, will require prior installation of its predecessor.

    After installing the main game. Apply these updates as a result of the folders listed, never randomly. Otherwise, the game may not work more and complete uninstall of the game to start from scratch a new installation is required.

    After you V20150812-Reloaded update, the game will be faulty and will not operate. Ne need to apply the “PATCHFIX-BAT V20150812” In the main game folder, copying and running as administrator the patch file.
    Made after the correction, the game still will not open. The Crack relating to this version of the patch is with one of the corrupted files.
    For the game back up and running, it needs to follow to the letter the above steps, then to install in the next patch the “udpate v20150901”.

    01 read! Apply the Path up in Game Root folder READ

    PASTA HOME GAME: “DISC: \ Program Files \ Mortal Kombat X”

    The updates were released on different dates and will always require prior installation of its predecessor!

  43. Daniels (12 Jan 2016, 17:47)


    Please up me : v20150722

    Can it run?
    Download and install all updates?

  44. daniel (17 Jan 2016, 16:26)

    Is Reloaded making Kombat Pack 2 ?? what about that DLC ?

  45. Roger (19 Jan 2016, 2:08)


    Valeu DJR, há meses tinha o game, mas não instalava por ter problemas com a instalação. Segui como você descreveu e deu certo aqui.
    Apenas tive um problema ao instalar o patch v20150722, porque dava erro de “Decompression with error code -11” e abri uma nova janela acusando outro erro: “ShellExecuteEx falhou code 2”.
    Descobri que o patch estava apagando o jogo inteiro do hd. Na 5º tentativa o erro já apareceu no primeiro update.
    Para contornar isso precisei instalar o jogo base e fazer um backup inteiro do jogo instalado e ai instalar o update v20150425, deu erro e apagou o jogo novamente. Peguei o backup do jogo que fiz e coloquei de volta a pasta raiz e tornei a executar o update v20150425. Dessa vez correu tudo bem e tudo foi instalado.
    Para evitar outras perdas, fiz o backup do jogo a cada vez que instalava um update. Demorou muito para instalar, mas valeu a pena cada backup, pois o erro persistiu por mais 3 vezes.
    Agora estou feliz com meu jogo funcionando 100% e agora estou aguardando o novo DLC que vai sair esse ano. Valeu Skidrow pelo ótimo serviço, continuem assim.

    P.S.: Sempre executei as instalação em modo de administrador.
    P.S2.: O jogo não estava instalado no caminho padrão (c:\Arquivos de programas(x86)\Mortal Kombat X), fiz a instalação em outra unidade (D:\Games\Mortal Kombat X), o que me faz acreditar que certas alterações na pasta raiz não precise de elevação (modo administrador).

    Estou usando o notebook da Asus X549LN com I5 4º geração, 6GB de RAM, 750 de hd e NVIDIA 840M de 2GB. Sitema operacional: Windows 10 Home Insider Preview Single Language.

    Peço desculpas pelo inglês ruim, sou brasileiro e to usando o Google Tradutor.


    Thanks DJR, for months had the game, but did not install to have problems with the installation. I follow as you described and it worked here.
    Just had a problem installing the patch v20150722, because it gave error “Decompression with error code -11” and open a new window accusing another error: “ShellExecuteEx failed code 2”.
    I found that the patch was erasing the entire game hd. In the 5th attempt the error has appeared in the first update.
    To work around this needed to install the base game and make a full backup of the installed game and there install the update v20150425 gave error and deleted the game again. I took the game back up what I did and put back the root folder and run the update again have v20150425. This time everything went well and everything was installed.
    To avoid further losses, made up the game every time settled an update. It takes long to install, but it was worth every backup because the error persisted for 3 more times.
    Now I’m happy with my game working 100% and I am now waiting for the new DLC that will come out this year. Thanks Skidrow by great service, keep it up.

    PS: Always performed the administrator mode installation.
    P.S2 .: The game was not installed in the default path (C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Mortal Kombat X), did the installation on another drive (D: \ Games \ Mortal Kombat X), which makes me believe that certain changes in the root folder does not need elevation (administrator mode).

    I’m using the notebook from Asus X549LN with I5 4th generation, 6GB of RAM, 750 HD and NVIDIA 840m 2GB. Operating sitema: Windows 10 Home Insider Preview Sisngle Language.

    I apologize for the bad English, I am Brazilian and to using Google Translate.


    Gracias DJR, durante meses tenía el juego, pero no instalar a tener problemas con la instalación. Sigo como usted la describe y funcionó aquí.
    Sólo había un problema al instalar el parche v20150722, porque daba error “descompresión con código de error -11” y abrir una nueva ventana de acusar a otro error: “ShellExecuteEx falló código 2”.
    Me pareció que el parche fue borrando todo el hd juego. En el quinto intento ha aparecido el error en la primera actualización.
    Para evitar este necesario para instalar el juego base y hacer una copia de seguridad completa del juego instalado y no instalar la actualización v20150425 dio error y borra el juego de nuevo. Tomé el juego de copias de seguridad de lo que hice y volver a poner la carpeta raíz y ejecutar la actualización de nuevo tener v20150425. Esta vez todo fue bien y todo estaba instalado.
    Para evitar más pérdidas, compuesto por el juego cada vez que se instaló una actualización. Se necesita mucho tiempo para instalar, pero valió la pena cada copia de seguridad porque el error persistió durante 3 veces más.
    Ahora estoy contento con mi juego de trabajo 100% y ahora estoy esperando el nuevo DLC que saldrá este año. Gracias Skidrow por un gran servicio, sigan así.

    PD: Siempre realiza la instalación en modo administrador.
    P.S2:. El juego no fue instalado en la ruta predeterminada (C: Archivos de programa \ (x86) \ Mortal Kombat X), hicieron la instalación en otra unidad (D: \ Games \ Mortal Kombat X), lo que me hace creen que ciertos cambios en la carpeta raíz no necesita elevación (modo de administrador).

    Estoy usando el ordenador portátil de Asus con X549LN cuarta generación I5, 6 GB de RAM, 750 HD y NVIDIA 840m 2 GB. Sitema operativo: Windows 10 Inicio Insider Vista Previa Individual Idioma.

    Pido disculpas por la mala Inglés, soy brasileña y para el uso de Google Translate.

  46. V_Red (27 Jan 2016, 19:41)

    What I did was applied the first updatev.20150418 after applying patch i copied the crack files to the root folder(Mkx/binaries/retail). BUT
    Mortal kombat X deleted completely when i was applying the second update v20150425 ,
    Please tell what I was doing wrong.

  47. V_Red (28 Jan 2016, 22:23)

    followed the DJR steps , got the previous issue resolved , BUT in step 5 the patch of updatev.20150602
    gave the error of renaming file ” renaming file ……….re-test run as administrator “(something like that)

    (Any help would be appreciated)

  48. yesniel (02 Feb 2016, 0:17)

    Good ninfa

  49. yesniel (02 Feb 2016, 0:18)


    Ljyrrrhj ufff

    Good ninfa

  50. MTX (09 Feb 2016, 11:42)

    Problem remaning file,,fix!
    Install update location Windows 64 bit.. “C:\Program Files (x86)\Mortal Kombat X”

  51. William (16 Feb 2016, 0:36)

    Mas que droga de patch que não instala corretamente! Estou a semanas querendo instalar este patch mas SEMPRE aparece o erro: “Problem renaming file”. Obrigado Reloaded por fazer um patch que não funciona direito. Por que vocês não fazem uma simples instalação de patch ao invés de usar essa porcaria de “tela do DOS”?

    That shit patch does not install correctly. I’m weeks wanting to install this patch but it always pops up the error: “Problem renaming file”. Thanks Reloaded by making a patch that won’t work right. Why don’t you make a simple patch installation rather than use this crap of “DOS screen”?

  52. Shahin (16 Feb 2016, 3:49)

    i when install update 27/10/215
    i have Problem F:Mortal Kombat X\Asset\Char_Jax_p.xxx.out
    How To Fix it?

  53. vahidssa (20 Feb 2016, 15:55)

    salam shahin updato nasb kon hamun jayee ke bazio nasb kardi yani in ke replace kon bad yes bezan nazar pushe jadid besaze omidvaram komaket kone aghaye hamed ham on bala tozih dadan

    Hamed help from above
    good luck

  54. Shahin (29 Feb 2016, 21:08)

    Damet Garm Vahid Jan Hamin Karo Anjam DadaM Vali Ba In Moshkel Ro Bero Shodam
    Hala Noskhe complete Omade Daram Dl Mikonam Enshalah Ke Kar Kone Mamnoon Az Rahnemaeit

  55. Kojii (10 Mar 2016, 5:01)

    hello i applied some updates but i do not remember which one was last … so im asking if there is anyway to figure out which update i have installed because i deleted game`s ISO and updates after applying everything

  56. ilker04 (13 Mar 2016, 22:01)

    are those compatible with codex version?

  57. Smith Kiggundu (17 Jun 2016, 8:08)

    does this work for any mortal kombat x or the reloaded version only

  58. pepo (26 May 2017, 19:27)

    this sh1t uninstall my game when update fail

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